Our journey in sustainable tourism transcends mere travel; it is a mutual exchange between the visitor and the visited, fostering respect, understanding, and conservation. As we traverse borders, we not only discover new landscapes but also engage with diverse cultures, assuming the role of conscientious guests in a shared global home.

Building on our core ecotourism principles, our revised charter includes a robust stance on climate change mitigation, social equity, and economic sustainability:

  1. Active Engagement with Nature: We commit to facilitating experiences that foster a profound connection with the natural world, encouraging practices that reduce environmental footprints.

  2. Enhanced Environmental Respect: Beyond minimizing impact, we strive for positive contributions to ecosystems, integrating climate action into our operations and activities.

  3. Biodiversity and Climate Advocacy: Our actions and tours are designed to support biodiversity while addressing the urgent challenges of climate change, through education, conservation practices, and sustainable resource management.

  4. Economic Sustainability and Circular Economy: We champion a circular economy that recycles and reuses resources, reduces waste, and ensures that economic activities benefit local economies without depleting natural assets.

  5. Social Inclusion and Community Empowerment: Central to our mission is the inclusion of local communities in tourism benefits, promoting cultural exchange, and supporting initiatives that foster social cohesion and equitable opportunities.

  6. Knowledge Sharing and Education: We believe in the power of informed travelers, and our tours serve as platforms for mutual learning, raising awareness about environmental and social issues, and inspiring action.

  7. Ethical Consumerism: We encourage the support of local economies through the purchase of sustainable, fair-trade products and services, emphasizing the value of local craftsmanship and traditions.

  8. Respect for Cultural Heritage: We are committed to preserving and celebrating cultural identities, ensuring that tourism supports cultural preservation and fosters respect among all stakeholders.

  • By embracing these principles, Tunisia Ecotourism not only enhances the travel experience but also contributes to a resilient, sustainable, and just world. We invite our guests, partners, and the wider community to join us in this transformative journey towards a better, more sustainable future.